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Location: Folsom

Day & Time: Wednesday 1:10-2:20

Grade:  3rd-4th

Mentor:  Cody Santero



Hola!  Join us in learning the fundamentals of Spanish.  Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world, and learning a second language is invaluable.  Learn how to introduce yourself, greet others, count, tell time, ask questions, use pronouns, and more.  This class will use games and activities to make it fun.


Supplies:  Please donate a couple of stacks of 3X5 cards to your classroom to use as flashcards.


Home Study:  Duolingo is a great resource.  There is no charge for downloading the basic app to your computer and/or phone.


All classes are full-year classes. Students enrolled in a Fall Semester class will automatically enroll for the Spring Semester in December to ensure their place in the class. Pricing is per semester.

Spanish 3rd-4th.

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